Hyderabad: Malayalam filmmaker Jude Anthany Joseph, whose film 2018: Everyone is a Hero was chosen as India's official entry for the 2024 Academy Awards, met with superstar Rajinikanth to seek his blessings for the upcoming awards campaign. Jude shared images of his meeting with Rajinikanth on social media on Sunday.
In one photo, they both smiled for the camera, with Rajinikanth wearing a black kurta and veshti (dhoti), while Jude was in a printed white shirt and denims. Jude expressed his excitement in the caption, promising more photos soon. Another set of pictures showed Jude and others engaged in conversation with Rajinikanth in a room. They sat on a couch while Rajinikanth occupied a chair, and they posed together for a group photo.
Rajinikanth praised the film, saying, "What a film, Jude, how did you shoot? Amazing work," and offered his blessings for the Oscar journey, encouraging them to go and bring the award. Jude expressed his gratitude to God and his friend Soundharya for making this opportunity possible.