Mumbai:Official remakes of classic Indian films Bawarchi, Mili, and Koshish were announced on Wednesday. The above-mentioned 1970's films were produced under N.C. Sippy's banner. Directed by Gulzar, Koshish, an homage to the 1961 Japanese film Happiness of Us Alone, starred Sanjeev Kumar and Jaya Bachchan. It followed a deaf-mute couple who fight against the odds to live a life of dignity.
Kumar won best actor and Gulzar best screenplay at India's National Film Awards, reports Variety. Bawarchi, directed by Hrishikesh Mukherjee, was a remake of Tapan Sinha's 1966 Bengali-language film Galpo Holeo Satti and starred Rajesh Khanna and Jaya Bachchan. In the film, Khanna plays a talented domestic helper who transforms a dysfunctional middle-class family.
Mukherjee's Mili (1975) starred Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan and charted the burgeoning romance between a depressed alcoholic and his cheerful neighbour, which is overshadowed by a terminal disease, reports Variety. The remakes, which will be set in contemporary times, are currently in various stages of development. Sameer Raj Sippy is the grandson of N. C. Sippy and the son of Raj Sippy. Jaadugar Films previously produced ZEE5 original film Mrs Undercover (2023).