Hyderabad: Actor Priyanka Chopra has beautifully paved the way for South Asian representation in mainstream roles in Hollywood and helped put India on the global map. Ahead of the global debut of her AGBO spy series Citadel, Priyanka has bagged a new Hollywood project in which she will share the screen space with John Cena and Idris Elba in 'Heads Of State'.
'Nobody' director Ilya Naishuller is directing a script by Josh Appelbaum and Andre Nemec, with an initial draft by Harrison Query based on Query's original idea, according to reports. Priyanka shared the news with her fans and followers through Instagram. "On to the next...@idriselba @johncena @naishuller @amazonstudios...Let's gooo," she captioned the post.
The film has been described as "Air Force One meets Midnight Run", and the Amazon Studios' project will go on floors in May. The particular announcement left her fans excited. "She is unstoppable. Good luck Priyanka," wrote a social media user. " PeeCee you rocks," commented another fan.