Hyderabad: A young adult in the United Kingdom has started a viral TikTok trend with her energetic dance routines filmed on the London Underground while a few onlookers sat in the background. Sabrina Bahsoon, now known as the viral 'Tube Girl', rose to fame recently as a result of her videos of dancing and lip-syncing to popular songs. Sabrina shared her first viral Tube video in August this year.
Her viral videos have started a new fad, inspiring women all around the world to adopt her public transit style and post content in a similar way. The current fad is all about making an otherwise boring trip on public transport "something fun" and "dance like nobody's watching". Many women are now inspired by her and are embracing self-confidence by dancing freely on public transport.
While interacting with a broadcasting company, Sabrina stated that she has to travel as she lives far from everyone. "So on the way back home after a night out, I'd put my music on. And when you're bumping your head, people don't come up to you, people leave you alone a bit more. So I was feeling more safe and enjoying my journey a bit better," she said.