Washington: American media personality Paris Hilton left her fans confused after she posted a video with "deep fake" Tom Cruise recently. In the Instagram clip, Hilton tells a viral Tom Cruise impersonator, who uses deep fake technology to cosplay the actor, to serenade her with a rendition of Britney Spears and Elton John's recent duet Hold Me Closer.
In the video, Hilton and the fake Tom Cruise lean against a kitchen counter, the former in a bubblegum pink tracksuit and the latter in a checkered bathrobe. "Tom, can you sing me that song again?" Hilton asks, sipping from a bedazzled cup. "You know which one."
"Hold me closer, tiny dancer/ Count the headlights on the highway," sings the fake Cruise. "Lay me down in sheets of linen/ You had a busy day today." But while the impromptu kitchen concert was Haris' idea, she wasn't impressed by the results. "It's good but not great. You should stick to acting," she tells fake Tom.