Hyderabad: Matthew Perry, renowned for his portrayal of Chandler Bing in the hit series Friends, tragically passed away at the age of 54, with reports indicating accidental drowning as the cause of his death. Just six days before this unfortunate event, Perry had shared two Instagram posts from his Los Angeles residence. One featured him under the moonlight, and the other showcased a moonlit sky on a cloudy night. Following the news of his passing, these posts garnered significant attention and went viral on social media platforms.
The last Instagram post shared by Matthew Perry before his untimely demise struck a chord with fans, as it depicted him relaxing in a jacuzzi at night. Sadly, the actor was found unresponsive in a jacuzzi at his Los Angeles home on the day of his passing.
This final post portrayed him in a tranquil moment beneath the moonlight, with a scenic city view in the backdrop. He accompanied the photo with a clever caption, stating, "Oh, so warm water swirling around makes you feel good? I'm Mattman," humorously referring to himself as "Mattman," a nod to Batman, a nickname he often used in his social media updates. He had previously posted a video with a caption that read, "Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you? - I'm Mattman."