Bharatpur: Actor-turned-politician Prakash Raj, who is contesting from Bengaluru Central constituency as an independent candidate, on Friday hit out at the ruling BJP government by posting a video of its candidate Ranjeeta Koli who is contesting from Bharatpur Lok Sabha seat.
Prakash Raj hits out at BJP for fielding candidates with 'no wisdom'
Actor-turned-politician Prakash Raj lashed out at BJP by posting a video of its candidate Ranjeeta Koli who is contesting from Bharatpur Lok Sabha seat of Rajasthan. Raj however incorrectly attributed the candidate in the video. His apparently misjudged Ranjeeta's constituency as Badaun instead of Bharatpur.
BJP's candidate from Bharatpur Lok Sabha seat of Rajasthan, Ranjeeta Koli
Last Updated : May 8, 2020, 5:30 PM IST