Dehradun: Uttarakhand BJP is examining the role of its leader and Udhamsingh Nagar district panchayat president Ishwari Prasad Gangwar's son Suresh Gangwar's election campaign for the Congress in Uttar Pradesh after the matter came to the light through a photograph shared by AICC general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on her facebook page. The photograph shows Suresh Gangwar campaigning with Priyanka Gandhi in Uttar Pradesh.
The photograhs of Suresh Gangwar are getting viral on social media.
It's significant that Ishwari Prasad Gangwar and his son joined BJP along with former Congress minister Yashpal Arya during 2017 state assembly elections in Uttarakhand. Suresh Gangwar has also been nominated as a member of Central Labor Committee.
Rattled by the incident BJP's state unit has swung into action and instituted an inquiry into the same. "Matter has come to our notice. It's being examined how true is this photograph. Action will be taken keeping this in mind" said the BJP's Udhamsingh Nagar District President Shiv Arora.
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