Guntur:Two persons have been arrested on Thursday in a case of rape and murder of a woman in Andhra Pradesh's Guntur district. The deceased has been identified as Veeranki Lakshmi Tirupatamma (40), who died under suspicious circumstances on Wednesday afternoon. A case has been registered by the police on the incident.
The body of the deceased has been shifted to Tenali Government Hospital for postmortem. A police team has gathered evidence from the residence. The rape-murder case was lodged after the cops ascertained the type of injuries from the victim's body.
The incident was first spotted and reported to the cops by a relative of Tirupatamma, who found her in an unconscious state upon his visit to the residence. Srinivasa Rao, the husband of Tirupatamma, reached the household upon receiving information, and approached the police to lodge a complaint. While speaking to ETV Bharat, he said the police insisted on lodging a case of reasonable suspicion.