Chittoor (Andhra Pradesh): Andhra Pradesh police on Sunday seized 115 red sandalwood logs worth Rs 1.5 crores in Chittoor and arrested 13 persons for smuggling. According to Joint Director (Special Enforcement Bureau) V. Vidyasagar Naidu, police also seized three cars and a lorry container.
"Based on credible information, about sander smuggling, a team of Pileru police along with a special police party were searching vehicles near Ponthala Cheruvu Cross in Piler Mandal at 3 am on Sunday morning. The police found two cars and one lorry container in suspicious condition and checked them. They found 115 red sanders logs weighing 3.5 tonnes and worth almost Rs 1.5 crores," said Naidu.
Also read:CCB seizes drugs worth Rs 2 crore, arrests two in Bengaluru