Budaun (UP): An eight-month-pregnant woman and her minor sister were killed allegedly by their relatives under Jarifnagar police station area here, officials said on Wednesday. They identified the deceased as Lajjawati and Manju (10), residents of Shekupura village. Accused Jandel and Bohri, Lajjawati's brother-in-laws, are absconding, officials said. Her husband Kamal Singh works in Haryana.
Pregnant woman, her minor sister killed in UP's Budaun
Senior Superintendent of Police OP Singh said, "It appears that they were killed using sharp-edged objects. The accused fled from the spot after the incident. Our teams are trying to arrest them."
Pregnant woman her minor sister killed in UPs Budaun
"It appears that they were killed using sharp-edged objects. The accused fled from the spot after the incident. Our teams are trying to arrest them," Senior Superintendent of Police OP Singh. Family feud is suspected to be the reason for the killings. However, this is yet to be confirmed, officials said, adding the bodies have been sent for post-mortem. (PTI)