Hyderabad:Police arrested four brothers for allegedly killing an NRI businessman in Hyderabad on Friday. According to Gajarao Bhupal, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), South Zone (Hyderabad), the accused were identified as Rayees Jabri, Adil Jabri, Syeed Saleh Jabri and Saad Bin Saleh Jabrim, all residents of Chandrayanagutta in the Old City.
"The victim and accused Rayees Jabri had worked together in Dubai. In 2019, when the accused Rayees Jabri was returning to India, the victim had given him a bag of gold asking him to deliver it in India, and in turn, he had promised him financial aid. Upon his arrival at the airport in Hyderabad,
he was arrested with one kilogram of gold," said Bhupal.