New Delhi:Two people, including a dance teacher, were arrested by Delhi Police's Crime Branch for allegedly demanding Rs 30 lakh from parents of his students here in the Anand Vihar area on Sunday. The accused have been identified as Durga Dutt Singh (27) and Vishnu Mishra (28).
According to the police, Vishnu, who turned out to be the dance teacher of the children allegedly threatened the family that if the demands were not met, the students would be killed. The teacher was known to the family for around 10 years. "The accused persons allegedly threatened the family of killing their children if their demands were not fulfilled," a police official privy to the matter said.
"The father of the children told police that he received a Whatsapp message threatening to "kill his children" on December 20. It had crossed photos of his children. "I received photos of my son and daughter with a message. The unknown caller introduced himself as a gangster and gave away the details of my family. Out of fear I disconnected the call and blocked the mobile number," the father said in his complaint.