Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A 23-year-old boy in Indore died by suicide after he lost borrowed Rs 17,000 in an online ludo game. The man eventually got into a lot of debt, which eventually took a toll on his mental health. The police recovered a suicide note from the site of incidence, while an investigation into the matter has been initiated.
The note says, "Whatever I am doing, I am doing it voluntarily. I have lost money in online games, that's why I am taking this step. Basat Devidas Gawle, Radhe Radhe Krishna." The 23-year-old was addicted to playing Ludo online. He came under stress because of losing money in the game. He is a native of Hingoli in Maharashtra and lived here with his brother-in-law. On Monday, when his sister went to the bank he locked himself in the room and hanged himself from the noose.