Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): Rajkumar Narwaria, the head cashier of Punjab National Bank (PNB) in Badnagar tehsil of Ujjain has been arrested by police for allegedly having embezzled a whopping Rs 3 crore. The cashier who had gone absconding was nabbed by police from Indore. According to the bank manager Ajay Kumar Ram, a complaint was filed against Narwaria for failing to deposit a sum of Rs 36,65,185 each belonging to six customers. The cashier had taken a total sum of Rs 3 crore from the customers between 15 July 2017 to 2 August 2019 assuring them that he would deposit the amount into their accounts.
PNB employee arrested for embezzling Rs 3 cr
An absconding cashier of Punjab National Bank has been arrested by the team of Economic Offenses Wing from Madhya Pradesh's Ujjain district. The cashier has been accused of embezzlement to the tune of Rs 3 crores in the time period between 15 July 2017 to 2 August 2019.
After Narwaria, the cashier went missing, customers began questioning bank manager Ram about his whereabouts. Later, Ram raised a complaint against him with the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) which initiated an investigation. On Friday, following a tip-off by an informer, EOW officials arrested Narwaria from Indore and presented him in court. A case has been filed against him under Sections 409 and 420, Prevention of Corruption Act, amended in 2018. The accused has now been sent on judicial remand.
Read:Charges framed against 40 accused in Rs 1,250 crore Bansagar Scam