Raipur/ Bilaspur:The Chhattisgarh High Court has directed police action against well known car designer Dilip Chhabria. Prahlad Agrawal, owner of Vandana Industrial had accused Dilip Chhabria of cheating in the name of modifying a car to the tune of Rs 43 lakh, and had lodged an FIR against Dilip Chhabria at Telibandha police station in 2017. Earlier Chhabria had sought a stay in the case, but now the High Court has cancelled it and has directed the police to take action.
Senior advocate of the High Court Anurag Jha speaking to ETV Bharat said that Prahlad Agrawal had signed a deal with Dilip Chhabria's company DC Design during 2014-15 to modify two Honda City cars like Bugatti cars. As per the deal, Prahlad handed his two Honda City cars to Chhabria and also paid an amount of Rs 88 lakh towards modification charges. However, when Prahlad was given his cars back, he noticed that they were of Raipur and Chhattisgarh registration, instead of Maharashtra.