Patna (Bihar): Amid the political rebellion within the Lok Janshakti Party (LJP), which is a part of the ruling NDA at the Centre, Chirag Paswan has reached his uncle and Hajipur MP Pashupati Paras' house in a bid for a patch up. However, his efforts went in vain as Pashupati's doors remained shut for the LJP scion. In a major setback to the Lok Janshakti Party (LJP), five out of its six Lok Sabha MPs turned rebels as they want the party's incumbent chief Chirag to be ousted as the leader of the Parliamentary Party in the Lower House. Except for Chirag himself, all the other five MPs are set to quit the party as they wish to be led by Chirag's uncle and Hajipur MP Pashupati Paras. These MPs include Prince Raj, Chandan Singh, Veena Devi and Mehboob Ali Kaiser.
"Five MPs have submitted a letter to the Speaker, we will go and meet him as and when he orders. There are 6 MPs in our party. It was the desire of the five MPs to save our party. So, I've not broken the party, I've saved it. Chirag Paswan is my nephew as well as the party's national president. I have no objection against him," said Pashupati. According to sources, Pashupati is miffed with Chirag as he was neglected by the LJP. Paras had served as the president of Bihar LJP and was also a minister in the Bihar government. He was also fielded as an MP candidate for the 2019 Lok Sabha polls. However, later, Chirag replaced him as the Bihar LJP chief.