Mysuru:Karnataka police probing the Mysuru gang rape have arrested the seventh accused in the case, police sources said on Wednesday. The accused will be produced before a court and his custody will be sought for further investigations. The accused was picked from Tamil Nadu late Tuesday. Earlier, the police department had deputed a special team to nab him based on the clues by other co-accused.
The seventh accused had switched off his mobile and disappeared after the August 24 crime to an isolated place near the foothills of Chamundi hills. The police officers stationed in Tamil Nadu had kept a close tab on his relatives, family members and friends and finally a fortnight after the incident managed to secure him. The other six accused have already been produced before the third JMFC court on Tuesday as their 10-day police custody ended.
Also Read:Mysuru gang-rape case : Police record statement of victim's friend
The court has remanded five accused persons to 14-day judicial custody. The accused have been sent to Mysuru central jail, while a minor accused was sent to a juvenile home. According to police sources, the victim is yet to record her statements regarding the incident, given her traumatised condition. The Congress party has decided to raise the issue in the upcoming assembly session after it completed its own parallel probe into the incident and came up with 19 recommendations.
The committee headed by former MP V.S. Ugrappa has demanded that the police department should record the statement of the victim immediately and in case of rejection, legal action should be initiated against her under IPC section 202. The speedy investigations have to be taken up and the accused should be paraded before the victim. The chargesheet has to be filed before the court on time and the accused should be punished within a span of five months.