Muzzafarpur: A case was filed against Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan and Bihar Health Minister Mangal Pandey on Monday by social worker Tamanna Hashmi for alleged failure to take adequate steps for spreading awareness about encephalitis disease.
"The death of children could have been minimised or prevented had the government taken steps to spread awareness about encephalitis when there was time. Being the Central and State ministers for Health, it is the responsibility of Harsh Vardhan and Mangal Pandey to spread awareness and prevent the spread of the disease," said Hashmi.
He added that he was distraught by the deaths of so many children in Bihar due to the outbreak of the disease and therefore he had filed the case against the two.
"I am distraught by the death of so many children from the state and that is why I filed a case against the two in the court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM)," Hashmi said.