Mumbai: A Mumbai NIA court on Tuesday sentenced three Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorists to 10 years rigorous imprisonment in the Nanded LeT module case, officials said on Tuesday. An NIA spokesperson said that a Special NIA Court here sentenced Mohammad Muzammil to 10 years rigorous imprisonment under the relevant sections of IPC and UAPA and five years under several sections of the Arms Act besides slapping a fine of Rs 5,000. The court also sent Mohammad Sadiq and Mohammad Akram to 10 years of rigorous imprisonment.
The case was initially registered by the ATS Mumbai on August 31, 2012, under the Arms Act relating to the arrest of the accused persons and the subsequent recovery of firearms. The official said that the initial investigation had revealed that the accused were members of the banned terrorist organisation Lashkar-e-Taiba and Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami (HuJI). NIA had taken over the probe on June 24, 2013.
Read:Policeman injured in firing in Pulwama, LeT militant associate arrested in Budgam
The spokesperson said that the probe has revealed that Akram went to Saudi Arabia under the guise of seeking employment as a driver with the help of wanted accused Mohammed Abdul Majeed, a native of Hyderabad presently settled in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. "During his stay in Saudi Arabia, Akram was introduced to various LeT members and operatives, including absconding accused Siddique Bin Usman aka Abu Hanzala, a native of Hyderabad, and Mohamed Shaeed Faisal aka Ustad, a native of Bengaluru," the official said.