Mumbai:The Enforcement Directorate on Friday arrested two people in connection with its money laundering probe against late Iqbal Mirchi-- the right-hand man of fugitive Pakistan-based don Dawood Ibrahim, officials said.
They said Haroun Aleem Yusuf and Ranjeet Singh Bindra were placed under arrest here under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act for alleged non-cooperation in the investigation of the case.
The ED had filed a criminal case of money laundering against Yusuf and Bindra on the basis of an FIR registered by Mumbai police against Mirchi and others.
Mirchi died in 2013 in London.
The probe pertains to Mirchi purchasing three properties belonging to Sir Mohammad Yusuf Trust in September 1986 for an amount of Rs 6.5 lakh through his company Rockside Enterprise, agency sources said.