Mumbai: A former manager of ICICI Bank's located in the Virar East area tried to rob the branch around 7:30 pm on Thursday. During the incident, the robbers attacked two bank employees with knives. The Deputy Manager of the bank, Yogita Nishant Choudhary was killed in the attack. Cashier Shraddha Devrukhkar is also injured and is currently undergoing treatment at Sanjeevani Hospital.
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According to police, former bank manager Anil Dubey, is the main conspirator of this robbery attempt. The robbery took place in the evening when the bank was abou to be closed. Most of the staff had gone home at the time of the incident. Meanwhile, the main conspirator of this robbery attack and the former branch manager Anil Dubey is in police custody. He was nabbed by the locals while attempting to flee the crime scene. The police are now further investigating the case.