Moradabad: Four people were found dead in the basement of a house in Uttar Pradesh's Moradabad district on Tuesday. The incident that took place in the Dilari police station area of the district has led to panic among locals. They are believed to have died of suffocation due to some poisonous gas that emanated from the basement of the house. On being informed, police reached the spot and sent the bodies for post-mortem. A forensic team, including officials of the Excise Department, have been called to the spot for investigation.
According to the preliminary investigation, the deceased have been identified as - Rajendra, his two sons- Harikesh, Pritam and the fourth, one Ramesh. Rajendra, a resident of Rajpur Kesaria village in the district, owns a cement shop in the village. It is in the cellar of this building that all four bodies were found. Also, Rajendra had in the past landed in jail for making spurious liquor. Now, police suspect that the four people died after inhaling the gas that might've emanated in the process of making spurious liquor.