Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath during his visit to the National Capital was briefed about the guidelines related to the expansion of the cabinet and other activities that are underway in the party. Earlier, the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand was changed in a hurry by the party and now the eyes of the party's central leaders are on Gujarat. Hence, the party's senior national general secretary and in-charge of Gujarat, Bhupendra Yadav, was sent to the state on Tuesday itself, after having returned from his Gujarat tour only two days ago.
If sources are to be believed, Bhupendra Yadav had prepared a report related to the dissatisfaction that arose over the Gujarat government's mismanagement during Covid-19 and submitted it to the high command. He even attended the meeting of the legislative party which was held there on Tuesday. Generally, the state in charge is not very important in the meeting of the legislative party.
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If sources are to be believed, the elections in Gujarat will be held at the end of 2022 and before that, the party high command wants to make a radical change in the organization and government, so that there would be no obstacles for the party to assume power in the home constituency of both the Prime Minister and the Home Minister. Even before this, in his last visit, Bhupendra Yadav had held a meeting of the Gujarat Core Committee, in which he had warned the leaders to begin preparations for the Gujarat Assembly elections.
It is known that the BJP had changed the leadership in Uttarakhand, on the contrary, the guidelines for the work of the UP Chief Minister have been fixed, and it is likely that the elections will be fought under the leadership of Yogi Adityanath. Now, it has to be seen whether the party adopts the formula of Uttarakhand or Uttar Pradesh in the upcoming 2022 Gujarat elections. The party is not able to decide on this issue yet and this is the reason why efforts are being made to explain the situation to Vijay Rupani through discussions and meetings, regarding the dissatisfaction that has arisen inside the party.