Jodhpur (Rajasthan): On June 3, the Border Security Force (BSF) recovered 56 kg heroin worth Rs 300 crore at the India-Pakistan International Border in Rajasthan's Bikaner district. The drug was seized by Rajasthan Frontier Headquarters of BSF, while they were being smuggled through plastic pipes. Meanwhile, the Narcotics Control Bureau has arrested the main accused in the heroin smuggling case.
According to Ugamdan Charan, the zonal director of Jodhpur NCB, the accused revealed during interrogation that Lahore's notorious smuggler Malik Choudhary was associated with this consignment, which was being smuggled into India. On the basis of information received from three people of Sriganganagar area, arrested in connection with the case, it was revealed that Jasvir Singh alias Momi, a resident of Hoshiarpur Punjab, had been in touch with smugglers from Pakistan and that it was at his behest, the heroin was being delivered to India. But soon after the incident happened, Jasvir Singh had fled from his village along with his family.