New Delhi: The Congress on Wednesday once again slammed the BJP over the alleged tool kit shared by BJP National Spokesperson Sambit Patra on the Central Vista project of the government and said that he should use his degree to save the lives of the people instead of indulging in theatrics.
Responding to a question during the press conference over the alleged toolkit being shared by the BJP once again, Congress General Secretary Randeep Singh Surjewala said, "The BJP plays such games like getting the petition filed in the court, but the Congress has not gone to court."
He said that the party has submitted its complaint to the Delhi Police.
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"They don't want to answer people on why medicines are not there, why ventilators are not there and why hospital beds are not there but they will indulge in such antics," he said.
"For how long they will keep on telling lies to people?" asked Surjewala. The party should focus on providing facilities to people instead, he added.