New Delhi: A man tried to commit suicide by setting himself on fire inside the Prem Nagar Police Station in Rohini on Friday, allegedly over police inaction in a case lodged by him.
Ashu Arya, a resident of Prem Nagar, got seriously injured in the incident and was hospitalised. He apparently tried to stream the incident live on Facebook. Police, however, said when they tried to open the link to the video, it had already been blocked.
According to police, Ashu and his father Yad Ram Arya had scuffled with two brothers -- Amandeep Dabas and Harshdeep Dabas -- on Tuesday at around 8.30 pm. Amandeep's mobile phone got damaged after Ashu's hand hit it, they said.
They called the police and later lodged a complaint at the Prem Nagar Police Station where they alleged that they were beaten up by the brothers, a senior police officer said.
Head Constable Sandeep reached the spot after the call. On the same day, Sandeep fractured his hand and was on medical leave since then, the officer said.
At around 2 pm on Friday, Ashu came to the police station with kerosene poured over his body and asked for Sandeep. He set himself on fire even before the officers could reply, police said.