New Delhi: Two days after the Enforcement Directorate (ED) booked businessman Navneet Kalra in the alleged black marketing of oxygen concentrator case, the financial probe agency on Friday carried out searches at several locations, sources said.
An informed ED source told IANS: "The ED is carrying out searches at several locations, including Kalra's properties, the premises of Matrix Cellular Services staff and officials arrested by the Delhi Police, as well as a farmhouse in South Delhi from where several oxygen concentrators were seized."
Read:Police remand of Navneet Kalra is not warranted, says court while sending him to judicial custody
On Tuesday, the ED booked Kalra and several others under the sections of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) for the black marketing of oxygen Concentrators his restaurants Khan Chacha and Town Hall in Khan Market, and Nege and Ju located in Lodhi Colony.