New Delhi: A top-level official in the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs told ETV Bharat that a sum of Rs 500 crore to Maharashtra, Rs 42 crore to Uttarakhand and Rs 31 crore to Himachal Pradesh is released to the three states. The amount dispensed is the second and last instalment under mission AMRUT.
"This funds will be utilised for implementing several projects related to water supply, sewerage, storage management and parks," the official said.
An interview with Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs It was in 2015, the government has launched two mission for urban development including smart city mission and AMRUT.
The total outlay of AMRUT scheme was Rs 50,000 crore for five years from 2015 to 2020. The mission is being operated as a centrally sponsored scheme.
Talking to ETV Bharat, Durga Shankar Mishra, secretary in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs said that the mission was launched in the 100 city whose population was more than 1 lakh.
"So far, 70,000 crores have been grounded on drinking water, sewerage, septage, drainage system, urban transport under AMRUT and smart city mission," said Mishra.
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