New Delhi: Four accused members of the Kala Asauda-Neeraj Bawana gang who have been arrested in the murder of wrestler Sagar Dhankar in Model Town have made important revelations.
They told police that it was wrestler Sushil Kumar who had asked them to come to the stadium that night, with their mobiles switched off.
According to the information provided by the Rohini District Police, the accused - Bhupendra, Mohit, Gulab and Manjeet have been handed over to the Crime Branch on a four-day remand.
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The accused told the crime branch that on the night of May 4, they were in Asauda village, and having got a call from Sushil Kumar at around 12 o'clock in the night, they reached the Chhatrasal Stadium in two cars.
When the four arrived at the scene, they witnessed Sushil and his colleagues thrashing Amit and Ravindra for Sagar's address and that more than a dozen people were sent to fetch wrestlers Sagar, Bhagat and Sonu.
Read:'Crime Branch to further investigate wrestler murder case'
In the interrogation, police learned that Sagar was brutally beaten for about 25 minutes at the stadium. During this time, Ravindra escaped from there and had called the police.
On hearing the sound of the police siren, Sushil had escaped from the rear gate of the stadium and had left his car behind.