Dehradun (Uttarakhand): In January 2022, India will launch its first solar mission Aditya L-1 to study the Sun. According to ISRO, the purpose of this mission is to keep an eye on the Sun permanently without any hindrance and to observe the solar aura. For this, a community service centre has been set up to collect the data received from India's first solar space mission via a web interface, so that scientists can view the data immediately and analyze it in a scientific manner. The name of this centre is Aditya L1 Support Cell (AL1SC).
This centre has been built jointly by ISRO and Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. This is being used by guest observers for the analysis of scientific data and the preparation of science observation proposals. The AL1SC has been set up at the Haldwani campus of the Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES), Uttarakhand, which will work jointly with ISRO. So that maximum analysis and use of all the scientific details and data from India's first solar space mission L1 (Aditya-L1) can be done.
Read:ISRO invites scientific research proposals on AstroSat data