Chennai (Tamil Nadu):Tuesday (April 6) is a red-letter day for the people in Tamil Nadu. About 6.28 crore voters have taken part in electing 234 Legislators. And, for the first time members from the Institute of Mental Health, Kilpauk, Chennai also took part in the democratic festival. The institute houses 884 mentally challenged persons. Among them, 84 were selected to cast their votes in the historic event.
Coordinating with the Election Commission of India, Greater Chennai Corporation, Police and an NGO the officials in the Institute have organized the polling festival in the institute. Dr Poorna Chandra, Director, Institute of Mental Health constituted a team to select the persons who are capable and eligible to vote in the Assembly poll.
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A study was conducted on how many inmates can understand the prevailing political situations, issues faced by the people and parties. The team has shortlisted 56 men and 28 women inmates to cast their votes. With the help of an NGO, a PowerPoint presentation was made in the institute to enable them to under the parties and their candidates who are fighting for the Villivakkam Assembly Seat.
After training the team ensured that they were ready to cast their votes as done by others. On Tuesday they were excited and happy to cast their votes. Decked up with new dress and smile on their faces the inmates have reached the polling station as though they are taking part in a festival.
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They have followed the Covid protocol and sanitized their hands. They entered the hall covering their face with a mask and wearing gloves on their hand. Staffs have accorded a warm welcome to them. Maintaining social distancing they polled their votes in the EVMs.