Ramanagar (Karnataka):Aseventy-year-oldretired Indian Air Force pilot and his wife were found murdered in their posh villa inside Eagleton Resort, near Bidadi in Karnataka's Ramnagar on Tuesday. Raghurajan and his wife Asha, residents of Tamil Nadu, had been residing in the villa for the last six years. Reportedly, the miscreants had bludgeoned their heads with a hammer while they were asleep.
According to the superintendent of police Ramanagar district, Santosh Babu the murders came to light at around 2 pm when security guards went to their house after the couple’s sons asked them to check on their parents as they were not responding to their calls.
Police suspect Joginder Singh, who had been hired to take care of their dogs and garden, committed the murder with help from others. The guards had spotted another man with Singh at the villa.