Mandya (Karnataka):KPCC Chief DK Shivakumar has landed in controversy for slapping a party worker who tried to put a hand over his shoulder. A video of the incident has gone viral on social media with netizens slamming Shivakumar calling him arrogant. According to media reports, the incident took place when Shivakumar was in Mandya to enquire about the health of veteran politician and former Minister G Madegowda.
In the video, it can be clearly seen that the party worker walks close to Shivakumar and tries to put his hand on the latter's shoulder. Immediately, in a fit of rage, the KPCC Chief is seen slapping the worker and telling him to behave properly. Later, clarifying the issue, Shivakumar said that he lost his cool as there was no social distancing being followed.