Hyderabad: Banks take a keen look at your credit score before considering your loan application. If your credit report is not impressive, chances of getting the loan will be slim. All necessary care has to be taken to keep good credit score. Sometimes, it may be affected even if you are paying installments regularly. Get such mistakes corrected by a credit bureau. A higher credit score will yield many benefits.
The banks offer interest concession of 50 basis points to those with good credit score. Even if the concession is less than half a percent on long term loans, the burden will come down significantly. In this context, credit report and score are becoming crucial. Many details like loans, how they are being paid, credit card bills, inquiries made for loans, number of bank accounts are visible in the credit report.
While checking the report first check if your name, PAN, mobile, e-mail, bank account details are correct or not. Details of your canceled accounts and settled debts will also be shown in it. So, double check these details. All of them are not related to you. Check if there are any mistakes.
There are minor issues that can lower your credit score. A loan you never took, loan inquiries in your name, showing 'default' despite paying EMIs on time, discrepancies in EMI amount, in address and name. Such discrepancies should be reported to the credit bureau in writing. Now more than one credit bureau provides a score.
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