Mumbai: Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Monday introduced certain principles, standards and procedures for mid and large non-banking financial companies. The revised regulatory framework for NBFCs, issued in October 2021, had indicated that such entities in the Upper Layer (NBFC-UL) and Middle Layer (NBFC-ML) would be required to have an independent Compliance Function and a Chief Compliance Officer (CCO). The central bank said that as part of the overall structure for corporate governance, compliance function serves a critical role.
"Accordingly, it has been decided to introduce certain principles, standards and procedures for compliance function in NBFC-UL and NBFC-ML, keeping in view the principles of proportionality," it said in a circular on Monday. NBFCs in the upper layer and middle layer should treat the prescriptions in the circular as a set of minimum guidelines only and accordingly frame their guidelines taking into account their corporate governance framework, the scale of operations, risk profile and organisational structure, among other factors, RBI said.
On scope and coverage of compliance function, RBI said that compliance function should ensure strict observance of all statutory and regulatory requirements for the NBFCs, including standards of market conduct, managing conflict of interest, treating customers fairly and ensuring the suitability of customer service. "The board/board committee shall ensure that an appropriate compliance policy is put in place and implemented. Further, the board/board committee shall prescribe the periodicity for review of compliance risk," it said. As per the circular, the NBFCs have to lay down a board-approved compliance policy clearly spelling out its compliance philosophy, expectations on compliance culture, structure and role of the compliance function, and the role of CCO, among others.