Lucknow:Speaking at Global Investor's Meet in Uttar Pradesh's Lucknow, Mukesh Ambani the 10th richest person in the world hailed the Union Budget for 2023-2024. The CMD of Reliance Industries said "Reliance Industries will invest Rs 75 thousand crore in Uttar Pradesh in the next four years. The money will be invested in Jio retail and renewable businesses in the state. This will provide employment to more than one lakh people here."
Business tycoon claimed that Uttar Pradesh would become USD 1 trillion economy within 5 years. He said, "Reliance will set up 10 GW of renewable energy capacity in Uttar Pradesh. This will be the biggest renewable energy project in Uttar Pradesh so far." While announcing his company's foray into the bio-gas energy business in UP, Ambani said, "bio-gas will not only improve the environment but will also benefit the farmers a lot."
He also announced two pilot projects Jio-School and Jio-AI-Doctor to provide affordable education and medical facilities to villages and small towns through Jio platforms. Jio will complete its roll-out of 5G to cover every town and village in Uttar Pradesh by December 2023."