New Delhi:Moody's Investors Service on Friday affirmed India's rating at the lowest investment grade of 'Baa3', with a stable outlook, saying high growth will support a gradual increase in income levels, but flagged risks of populist policies due to rise in political tensions.
Moody's said although India's potential growth has come down in the past 7-10 years, the growth would outpace all other G20 economies through at least the next two years, driven by domestic demand.
Moody's said the restoration of robust growth prospects post-pandemic, the effective commitment to inflation targeting and the rehabilitation of the financial system aided by reform supports its view of strengthening monetary and macro policy effectiveness.
"However, the curtailment of civil society and political dissent, compounded by rising sectarian tensions, support a weaker assessment of political risk and the quality of institutions," Moody's said while affirming the Government of India's long-term local and foreign-currency issuer ratings and the local-currency senior unsecured rating at Baa3.
The US-based rating agency said the eruption of unrest in the north-eastern state of Manipur-one of the most impoverished states in India- has led to at least 150 deaths since May 2023.
"Although elevated political polarization is unlikely to lead to a material destabilization of government, rising domestic political tensions suggest an ongoing risk of populist policies including at the regional and local government levels amid the prevalence of social risks such as poverty and income inequality, as well as inequitable access to education and basic services."