New Delhi : The CBI has registered a fresh FIR against IL&FS Transportation Network Ltd and its step-down subsidiary Spain-based Elsamex SA for allegedly misappropriating credit facilities to the tune of Rs 239 crore by cheating and diverting funds, officials said on Monday. India Exim Bank had sanctioned a credit limit of Euro 35 million to Elsamex which is also a wholly owned subsidiary of Singapore-based ITNL International Pte Ltd in 2015 for securing and executing overseas contracts.
IL&FS Transportation is already facing a CBI probe for causing a loss of over Rs 6,524 crore to a Canara Bank-led consortium. In 2016, a consortium of Elsamex and ITNL won the bid for an Ethiopian project to design, manage and maintain the work of the Nekemte Bure Road upgrading project under an output and performance-based road contract.
The project needed disbursal of certain mobilisation advances, which were to be secured by guarantees sanctioned by Exim Bank. So, Euro 32.60 million was allocated under the credit limit of Euro 35 million earmarked for the completion of the project. The Exim bank had issued the guarantee in favour of the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE), which gave a further guarantee to the Ethiopian Road Authority (ERA) as security of mobilisation advances paid by the Authority to the Elsamex -ITNL consortium.