New Delhi, June 6 (PTI) People can now book 24 train tickets in a month on the IRCTC website and app if their user ID is linked to Aadhaar, otherwise only 12 tickets can be bought, the Railways said in a statement on Monday. So far, the Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) allowed people to book six tickets a month if the account is not connected to Aadhar and 12 if it is linked.
Booking up to 24 train tickets a month allowed if IRCTC user ID linked to Aadhaar
Indian Railways has announced that it has doubled the monthly tickets quota i.e, up to 24 train tickets for its registered users who had linked their Aadhaar.
"To facilitate passengers, Indian Railways has decided to increase the limit of booking maximum 6 tickets in a month to 12 tickets by a user ID which is not Aadhaar linked and the limit of booking maximum 12 tickets in a month to 24 tickets by a user ID which is Aadhaar linked and that one of the passengers in the ticket to be booked is verifiable through Aadhaar," the ministry said.
Officials said this will be helpful for frequent travellers as well as those using the same account to book train tickets for family members.