Jamshedpur: Private steel major Tata Steel will pay a total of Rs 270.28 crore as annual bonus for the accounting year 2020-2021 to its eligible employees of all applicable division /units of the company, a release said. A Memorandum of Settlement was signed on Wednesday between Tata Steel and the Tata Workers' Union, for payment of annual bonus for the accounting year 2020-2021, the release issued by the company said. The total payout for eligible employees of all applicable divisions/ units of the company will be Rs 270.28 crore.
Out of this, various divisions at Jamshedpur including Tubes, an amount of Rs 158.31 crore will be given. The minimum and maximum annual bonus payable will be Rs 34,920 and Rs 3,59,029 respectively. T V Narendran, CEO & MD, Atrayee Sanyal, Vice President (HRM) and other senior executives signed on management's behalf while Sanjeev Kumar Choudhary, president, Tata Workers Union, Shailesh Kumar Singh, deputy president, Tata Workers' Union, Satish Kumar Singh, general secretary, Tata Workers' Union and other office bearers signed on Union's behalf.