New Delhi: The country's apex consumer commission, NCDRC, has asked Tata Motors to pay Rs 3.5 lakh towards compensation and punitive damages for misleading advertisements making false mileage claims regarding its car Tata Indigo.
The commission observed that the customer was allured to buy the car due to the claims made in the advertisement, but test drives done on different dates showed that the car's mileage was not as promised.
The National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) directed Tata Motors to pay compensation of Rs 2 lakh to Kolkata-resident Pradipta Kundu and asked it to deposit Rs 1.5 lakh towards punitive damages with the state consumer welfare fund.
NCDRC rejected the review petition filed by Tata Motors and upheld the state commission's order which had directed the company to pay Rs 3.5 lakh in total for taking recourse to deceptive trade practice by way of misleading advertisement.
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