New Delhi:Food delivery major Swiggy on Wednesday said it has invested Rs 175 crore over a period of two years to set up over 1,000 cloud kitchens across 14 cities for its restaurant partners through its "Swiggy Access" initiative.
Swiggy said it will invest an additional Rs 75 crore to bring more partner cloud kitchens in 12 new cities by March 2020.
The Swiggy Access initiative enables restaurant partners to expand to more locations both within their city and across new cities through cloud kitchens.
Swiggy said it has invested in over a million square feet of real estate space across 14 cities to help large, medium and small restaurant partners expand to more locations.
"With the massive growth in online food ordering over the last 2-3 years, India has leapfrogged the widespread in-restaurant dining culture that was prevalent in many international markets. Swiggy has always maintained that cloud kitchens will be the future of food delivery," Vishal Bhatia, CEO, New Supply, Swiggy, said in a statement.
"Very soon, India will have the second-highest number of cloud kitchens in the world, only next to China," Bhatia said.
This announcement comes a few days after Swiggy CEO, Sriharsha Majety spoke about the company making significant investments in "pods" to solve for the supply gaps in the country.