New Delhi: SpiceJet on Sunday announced that it has launched 14 new flights under the government's UDAN scheme, connecting the "un-served" market of Jharsuguda and the "underserved" markets of Kishangarh and Lakhimpur to key metros and cities across the country.
In addition, the airline stated that it has launched 14 other direct flights connecting metros and non-metros on domestic routes.
"Reaffirming the airline's conviction on the Regional Connectivity Scheme, SpiceJet has started operating on the new UDAN routes of Kishangarh-Ahmedabad-Kishangarh, Lakhimpur-Guwahati-Lakhimpur, Jaipur-Amritsar-Jaipur, Delhi-Jharsuguda-Delhi, Hyderabad-Jharsuguda-Hyderabad, Kolkata-Jharsuguda-Kolkata and Bhopal-Udaipur-Bhopal from March 31," the airline said in its statement.
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