New Delhi:Markets regulator SEBI has begun its probe into alleged non-disclosure of price-sensitive information by Infosys' management and also corporate governance lapses in the wake of serious allegations levelled by a whistleblower, while it is also examining possible insider trading in the company's securities.
Sources said the regulator has already asked the stock exchanges to collate trading data of Infosys' shares as well as about derivative positions, while details are being sought about alleged non-disclosure of key information.
The regulator may also summon the company's top management and others, while the information might be sought from some board committees including those dealing with an audit and other financial matters at the company depending on progress in the investigation, the sources said.
Role of independent directors may also come under scanner in case it is found they did not press for timely disclosure and other necessary actions after receipt of the whistleblower complaint.
Meanwhile, leading exchange BSE on Wednesday asked Infosys to explain why it did not make a disclosure about a whistleblower complaint which alleged that the company's top executives were following "unethical practices" to shore up profits through irregular accounting ways.
On Tuesday, Infosys Chairman Nandan Nilekani said the whistleblower complaint dated September 20 had been placed before the audit committee on October 10.
There was an undated complaint which has also been placed before the committee.