New Delhi:Chinese handset maker Realme on Tuesday introduced its Realme X2 smartphone in India at a starting price of Rs 16,999. Expanded its accessories portfolio, the handset maker also launched its first true wireless earphones for Android the Realme Buds Air for Rs 3,999.
An upgrade over Realme XT, the X2 is powered by 8nm Kryo octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 730G chip with 2.2 GHz CPU. It has fourth-generation artificial intelligence (AI) engine and machine vision function.
"We have had an incredible year at realme providing the best power-packed devices in each price segment, venturing into the premium segment and now going truly wireless with Realme Buds Air," Madhav Sheth, CEO, Realme India, said in a statement.
The Realme X2 comes with 4,000mAh battery and is equipped with low voltage and high current proprietary 30W VOOC flash charge 4.0, thus, making it the fastest-charging mid-range smartphone.
The device comes in three variants 4GB+64GB, 6GB+128GB and 8GB+128GB, priced at Rs 16,999, Rs 18,999 and Rs 19,999 with three colour options Pearl Green, Pearl White and Pearl Blue.
The new device will be available starting December 20 on, and other stores.