Bengaluru: In a unique move, Flipkart on Friday announced that potential consumers can get access to select products between October 11-October 14 and pre-book these products at a minimal price of Rs 1 before the Big Billion Days sale event that begins from October 16.
The e-commerce marketplace, tied neck-to-neck with Amazon 'Great India Festival' and Snapdeal's 'Kum Mein Dum' sales, said that once the pre-booking is confirmed, consumers can come back to the platform during the first day of The 'Big Billion Days' to pay the balance amount, either online or via cash-on-delivery.
Consumers will get access to a million products across categories such as home, lifestyle, beauty, babycare and electronic accessories, among others, as part of the pre-book collection.
"Consumers will not just get a sneak peak into the 'Big Billion Days' offers but will also be able to plan their purchases in advance by paying just Re 1," said Nandita Sinha, Vice President–Events, Engagement and Merchandising at Flipkart.
The Flipkart BBD sale starts from October 16 till October 21 and is going to bring lakhs of sellers, artisans, and brands to come together and provide a wide array of products to more than 250 million consumers.
According to industry reports, the festive season shopping is going to witness huge demand from consumers with over 45-50 million shoppers coming online.
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