New Delhi: Denying reports of a rise in Mukesh Ambani's stake in Reliance Industries (RIL), a company spokesperson has said that under the ongoing restructuring of RIL's subsidiaries, five subsidiaries holding 17.19 crore shares have merged with Reliance Services and Holdings Limited (RSHL), a company controlled by Petroleum Trust.
Petroleum Trust is a promoter group entity since its inception in 2002. The sole beneficiary of Petroleum Trust is Reliance Industrial Investments and Holdings Limited (RIIHL), a 100 per cent subsidiary of RIL and hence the ultimate beneficiaries of these shares are the shareholders of RIL.
"There has been no transaction of purchase of shares. 41.28 crore treasury shares of RIL were held as follows by (a) by Petroleum Trust 24.09 crore shares, and (b) by subsidiaries of RIL 17.19 crore shares. As a part of an ongoing internal restructuring of RIL subsidiaries, 5 subsidiaries holding 17.19 crore shares have merged with Reliance
Services and Holdings Limited (RSHL), a company controlled by Petroleum Trust," the RIL spokesperson said.