New Delhi:The global mobile phone market is served primarily by five companies (Samsung, Apple, Huawei, Oppo and Vivo) and the time is ripe for India to integrate into the global value chain by providing an assembly platform to these global lead firms, according to a new report.
India has already attracted initial investments from all these five companies that command 83 per cent global mobile phone revenue, which may bring more manufacturing to the country in order to reach out to global markets, according to the report by the India Cellular and Electronics Association (ICEA) and consultancy major EY.
Currently, Indian companies like Lava and Micromax are producing mobile phones primarily for the domestic market.
"These companies are yet to plug in to global value chain manufacturing in a significant manner. Domestic companies may begin by turning into white label producers for international companies and in the process refine their own capabilities," the report mentioned.
India can ride on the distribution and retail networks of these companies to plug into the global value chain. The country has a young population that is willing to work and the manufacturing sector can provide them with job opportunities.
"Currently, India does not have in-house technology and R&D. Global lead firms can bring in advanced and cutting-edge technology that may not only aid the production processes of global lead firms but also domestic firms," said the report.
However, in order to cater to the global markets, India needs to address a plethora of structural and governance issues.
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