New Delhi: E-commerce firm Flipkart on Sunday said it has expanded delivery reach by 80 per cent to cover almost all pin codes in India for large appliances, ahead of its big billion day sales, starting from September 29.
The company claims that it has increased its reach to around 19,200 PIN codes from about 10,660 codes in 2018 for delivery of large appliances.
"This festive season, we are extending our reach to newer regions, aiming to cover almost all the serviceable pin-codes across the country. We are glad that this year, our consumers from Metros to tier 2 cities and beyond, who didn't have access to a wide range of appliances previously, will be able to shop from our entire product range," Flipkart senior vice president Ajay Yadav said in a statement.
Read more:Amazon strengthens play in furniture segment ahead of festive season